Sunday, December 7, 2008

No changes

Another weekend came and went. Saturday I went to see Bolt 3d at the Imax by myself, and then my brother-in-law and I watched basketball and a movie afterwards. Sunday was the normal Sunday family dinner followed by a full evening on the computer. I'll be working on my "Retro Room", a room full of 80s and 90s consoles and video games later on tonight.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Love at Meijers? Naah

Went to Meijers today after work (about 2:30 am) and the cashier there was very nice as she assisted me with some billing errors. She was probably in her late 20's, overweight like me, but had some pretty eyes. I don't think I'm interested enough to pursue her or anything though. It's just that when I have any kind of female contact, it definitely makes the day out of the ordinary and worthy of posting here.

My main problem again is lack of socialization. With a job shift from 5-2 am and 97% male (I'm a computer tech), the chances of meeting someone become even more slim. I do plan on going to the YMCA today as there may be more people there with it being the holiday.

I plan on going a little more in-depth on just how I managed going 38 years without kissing someone. It sounds impossible I know, but yes (again) it is true.

--- a little sidenote. I'm getting kind of tired already of this plain black blog. I might work on the template a little to spruce it up a bit.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Another weekend gone..

Going to my 3rd shift job in 2 hours so another weekend has come and gone. Saturday I spent the day at my dad's for a early Thanksgiving and went to the Y only to find out that it was closed on Saturday at 6!! Sunday I spent it at my brother-in-law's mom's after church for the weekly Sunday brunch, followed by some football and web surfing, then followed by a quick cleaning of the house. That evening my niece came over to watch Wall-E on the big screen. I thought about going to the Y today but the cold and wind kept me inside. I been "Stumbling" while watching King of the Hill. My life is awesome!


Friday, November 21, 2008

Joined the Y, but...

I am having a hard time getting my butt over there. It's 8 miles away, and I'm using it as a an excuse (my excuse today was I couldn't find my headphones).

However, this is not a exercise blog, but a blog regarding my pursuit in getting kissed for the first time. I do have a "possible" prospect with a young woman in Armarillo, TX. We just started our conversation, but it was more of a "thanks for writing" kind of message. We'll see what happens,but I'm not expecting anything.

My project for the weekend is to work on a C64 attached to an IBM "server". I grew up on the Commodore 64 computer and I always wanted to relive some of the classic games I grew up on . So while most people are out on dates, I'll be in the basement doing this. :)

I'm going to put off going to the Y again today to get a niece fix. I haven't seen them in about five days. I promise to go there at least once this weekend. I might even be able to post about someone I met there. :)


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Joined the Y

See? There is already something positive coming out of this blog. Why get all depressed about my weight when I can go to the gym and do something about it? It definitely is exercise related. I really don't eat that much except when I get a pizza. I can't resist a slice of pizza, and a whole pizza typically does not last in the house over 12 hours. My typical day is like this.

1) Up around 11:15 AM
2) Feed the dog
3) Get online and check mail, and "Stumbleupon"
4) Eat "Brunch" while watching TV
5) Do must haves like pay bills, clean clothes
6) Go online again or play games like Peggle
7) Clean the house
8) Take an afternoon powernap around 2:30 or 3:00
9) Get ready for work at 3:30 PM
10) Leave for work at 4:25 PM
11) Go to work at 5 pm
12) Go to lunch at 9 pm
13) Go home at 2 AM
14) Watch Poker After Dark on NBC while eating a snack
15) Play a few hands on Pokerstars
16) Surf / More Stumbleupon
17) Go to bed around 4 AM

Weekends, I normally go to my brother in law's to hang out with my nieces so as you can see, I definitely needed to add some sort of social activity. Only problem is, with the exception of weekends, the average age of a Y member in the afternoon is 60+. No problem with that though as my weekends are free. I hope this new YMCA venture will do me some good both socially and physically.

Monday, November 17, 2008

About Me

Ok. For those curious on how someone can go 38 1/2 years without kissing, you must think I am a complete loser or dog ugly. Actually, both are untrue. It's true I am overweight. I am probably 50-60 pounds above my ideal weight and it does play with my self conscious. It seems I've always had some sort of vice that kept me from being as confident as I could have been. Flashback to elementary school. I was the typical nerd in every shape of the word. I had these huge coke bottle glasses and ears that stuck out far from my head. One bully used to flick me on the ears every chance he got and I was constantly been made fun of. One of my freshman year class pictures says it all. I was in the far far corner by myself, greasy hair in full view looking extremely pitiful. It wasn't until a friend of my sister's turned me around who was nice enough to talk to me and turned me around to where I was confident enough for the front row my senior year. However, I hated wearing glasses and contacts always tended to irritate my eyes. Finally in 1998 I was fortunate enough to get eye surgery but by that time the dreaded weight gain was upon me. Flash forward to 2008, I am overweight and balding.. sigh.

But that is me in the physical sense. As for other things about me, I am not a bum sitting in a cardboard box. I have always lived alone ever since my junior year of college. I never had a roommate and that might have helped my situation looking back... but I have always had enough for rent and even for getting my first house when I was 26. My non drinking status keeps me from going to the bars and doing the bar scene. I don't want to pick up just anyone and "kiss" and as a Christian, I don't have any desire to. So what does someone do who doesn't do the bar scene / dance club? I was hoping a cute dog would help. I have owned my dog for 11 years and although she has helped broken the ice, it's never gone farther than that. I have tryed the library and grocery stores, but nothing ever came from that either. I have tryed online "dating" and after spending $150 for 9 months on Eharmony, I realized that wasn't for me either. My church singles group has no one I'm interested in beyond friendship. I even bought $125 Wicked tickets, but the lack of prospects may mean another Christmas gift for my sister. Not having a girlfriend sucks, but I think not having any prospects of girlfriends sucks even more.

I might edit this post later, but I see it is 3:51 am. I'd better go to bed...


Yes, it's really true. (First Post)

Hi there. No, this isn't a joke or prank I never would have believed it either if you asked me 20 years ago. I am a 38 1/2 year old male and can trump the "40 year old virgin" by saying that with the exception of kissing my mother and grandmother on the cheek, I have NEVER been kissed before. This is something that is tv reality worthy I think.

The purpose of this blog is not to get sympathy, but moreso for me to write out my situation and hopefully find a way to find someone that isn't perfect, but perfect for me. However, I do encourage feedback, but keep in mind I do have the power to delete rude comments.

Thanks for reading. I think I will stop now and create a new "About me" post to get started and I'll go from there.